Policies, practices, and cultures of schools for everyone
Challenges and Opportunities in Education for Refugees in Europe: Reviewing Research and Good Practices

Tatjana Atanasoska is a teacher of German, German as a Foreign and Second Language and Mathematics. She has worked at different schools, universities and in research projects in Europe. At the moment, she is a university assistant at the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna with a special focus on the situation of refugees in (secondary) schooling.
Nihad Bunar is a professor at Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden. His research interest is at the intersection between international migration and educational studies. He has done research and published widely in Sweden and internationally on urban education, education policy, school choice and newly arrived students’ conditions for learning and inclusion in schools.Nihad has worked as an expert and adviser for OECD (PISA report; School market), British Council (MIPEX Education Strand), Migration Policy Group, CEPOL (European Police College), OSSCE, Croatian Ministry of Education and European Commission.
Fabio Dovigo, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor for Educational Research, Organizational Theory and Design, Organizational Research Methods at the University of Bergamo. He is Co-ordinator of International Relations at the Department of Human and Social Sciences,. His research interests include research methods in education and organization, inclusive education. Among other publications, he was responsible for the Italian translation of the “Index for inclusion”.
Hermína Gunnþórsdóttir is lecturer at the University of Akureyri. She holds a B.A. degree in Icelandic and teaching certification from the University of Iceland, a master degree from the Iceland University of Education (2003) and PhD from the University of Iceland (2014). She has worked at kindergarten, primary- and secondary schools. Her teaching and research interest is related to inclusive school and education, multicultarism and education, social justice in education, disability studies , educational policy and practice.
Stephane Jaquemet, UNHCR Regional Representative for Southern Europe, was appointed Regional Representative for Southern Europe of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as of April 2016. HE has been working with UNHCR for 24 years, starting in 1992 in Croatia as Head of Operations. He continued his career in Togo serving as Head of Emergency Operations and then as Senior Protection Officer. From 1997 to 2002, he held a number of senior positions in the Division of International Protection at UNHCR Headquarters in Geneva. In 2002, Mr Jaquemet moved to Indonesia and took the position of Deputy Regional Representative. In 2005, he was appointed as Representative and successfully served as such in Lebanon, Nepal, Burkina Faso and Colombia.
Michelle Proyer
Geraldine Scanlon has a broad background in education with experience across several educational settings including early year’s provision,post primary education, post leaving certificate, and third level. Her interests in experimental psychology, education and research have lead her to develop a unique approach to investigate the attitudes of primary and post-primary teachers to pupils with Special Educational Needs.
Lorna Sutherland is a doctoral graduate student at the University of Alberta, Canada who has taught refugee students for many years in Canada. She has also researched extensively, co-written and developed work on the inclusive education of students with disabilities in the regular classroom for teachers, administrators, and parents. She has developed audiovisual podcasts for her MEd and written about the friendships between young people with developmental disabilities and nondisabled peers and will continue to explore this work within the inclusive arts.
Liz Todd is Professor of Educational Inclusion at Newcastle University. She is Deputy Director of the Centre for Social Renewal which forges partnerships between the university and external orgnisations in order to contribute to creative solutions to societal challenges. One of her books, with Cummings and Dyson, Beyond the school gates; can full service and extended schools overcome disadvantage? was highly commended by the Society of Educational Studies in 2012.
Mara Westing Allodi is professor of Special Education at Stockholm University where she works with teaching, supervision and research.She has a background as teacher and special educator in inclusive settings in Italy and Sweden. Areas of interest are educational policy and organization; interventions for children with special educational needs; and the socio-emotional aspects of learning environments.
Wayne Veck is Senior Lecturer in Education Studies at the University of Winchester. His main areas of expertise are inclusive education, disability studies, values in education and research and the philosophy of education.
Fabio Dovigo (Bergamo University, Coordinator), Gottfried Biewer (Universität Wien, Austria), Ludwig Bilz (Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Germany), Nihad Bunar (Stockholms universitet, Sweden), Paola Gandolfi (Bergamo University), Hermína Gunnþórsdóttir (University of Akureyri, Iceland), Peter Hick (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK), Michelle Proyer (University of Vienna, Austria), Geraldine Scanlon (Dublin City University, Ireland), Paola Scevi (Bergamo University), Lorna Sutherland (University of Alberta, Canada), Liz Todd (Newcastle University (United Kingdom), Wayne Veck (University of Winchester, UK), Mara Westing Allodi (Stockholms universitet, Sweden).