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Index for Inclusion Network


Policies, practices, and cultures of schools for everyone


​Breathless schools?

It is currently very fashionable to describe Italian schools as in crisis, ill or even dying. We disagree. Although they could seem still, actually schools are rapidly changing. Once considered a substantially homogeneous population, students now appear in all their diversity - in terms of culture, language, gender, family organization, skills, learning styles, etc. Inclusion represents the effort to make this diversity a lever for positive change, bringing again the school at the hearth of the debate on democracy and change.

A first, single step

Inclusion is a process, not a final goal. As Booth and Ainscow remind in the new Index for inclusion (CSIE, 2011) the long journey towards the inclusive school, however complex it may initially seem, always starts with a single first step. Taking this step, however small it is, means having already undertaken the way that leads us up to a school where inclusion is present.



​The tour to introduce the New Index for Inclusion to the schools has started from Naples. The event is organized together with the non-profit organization WeWorld, within the project Frequency200. It is part of the efforts oriented to counter the phenomenon of early school leaving, which in Italy has still alarming dimensions. In fact, in our country there are more than 600.000 children aged from 10 to 16 who leave school before the end of compulsory schooling.

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