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Policies, practices, and cultures of schools for everyone

Implementing inclusion.

A training course on inclusive education with the Calolziocorte school teachers.



In recent years, there is much talk in school about the need of overcoming the idea of integration in favour of inclusion. While integration tends to identify a state, a condition, inclusion is rather a process, a strategy of acceptance, or the ability to provide a framework in which students - regardless of ability, gender, language, ethnic or cultural origins - are equally valued, treated with respect, and provided with equal opportunities at school. In short, inclusion is what happens when in school "everyone feels to be appreciated, and that his participation is welcome."


When we talk about inclusion we recognize that there is a risk of exclusion that must be actively prevent, and at the same time we affirm the significance of the involvement of all pupils in the construction of a school really friendly. To this aim, we work to transform the curriculum and improve organizational features of schools, so as they become more sensitive to the range of diversity existing among pupils.

The project "Implementing inclusion" is an invitation to think about children not as "cases", but in terms of "differences". This allows all those who contribute to the success of the school curriculum to observe and fully understand the complexity of pupils and their needs, and especially to see them as resources that can be mobilised.

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